Well-being Support
We recognise that some of our students have experienced difficult and challenging events and times that mean that they need some therapeutic support. At TEA we offer a full wrap around care package for students experiencing trauma or emotional distress.
We have two dedicated safeguarding managers who students can see during the day if they need to speak with someone or get some in the moment support. If you are worried about your child and would like some support please fill in the form here and we will get back to you.
School counsellorWe have a dedicated school counsellor that students can be referred to for therapy as well as the mental health support team who run 6 week based CBT based sessions for students that need support with a particular issue
Believe in you
We run a range of sessions for students provided by the company linked below https://www.believeinyouteens.co.uk which students can access via the pastoral teams.
If you require more support for your children or family outside of school please find a range of organisations who can help should you require advice, guidance and/or support.There is a range of ways to access help via text, emails, websites, phone numbers, and apps.
- Young persons NHS drop-in; i-Rock Eastbourne; irockeastbourne@gmail.com
- Young persons health and wellbeing; www.onmymind.info.
- Childline 0800 1111
- The NSPCC 0808 800 5000
- The Portal www.theportal.org.uk
- ChatHealth 07507 332473
- Young minds crisis messenger (www.youngminds.org.uk) - Text YM to 85258
- CAMHS 01323 446065
- SPOA 01323 4642222 (to contact children's services)
- Download “the calm app” from the NHS
- Eastbourne foodbank; 01323 409925
- Police; 101 (Emergency 999)
- Samaritans 116 123
Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco Health and Wellbeing Mental Health