
 If you have any queries about exams please contact:

Mrs D Dreeling - Examinations Officer - donna.dreeling@swale.at

Mrs T Ion - Examinations Assistant - tara.ion@swale.at




  • Results day is Thursday 21st August 2025

  • Results will be available between 10:00 and 12:00 onThursday 21st August 2025

  • Please contact Tara Ion tara.ion@swale.at for certificate collection. 

  • Please ensure you advise us of any changes to your address/main contact number.

  • You will need to enroll with your college - they will send details nearer the time on the dates and how to do it.


Exam Schedule

Please click here for the exam schedule - Exam Schedule


9 to 1: A Brief Guide for Parents

Web icon 9 to 1: Blog Post


Access Arrangements

PDF icon What are the exam access arrangements? 


Learning Records Service Privacy Notice

Web icon Privacy Notice



The following policy is available on request from our Exams team. Mrs D Dreeling donna.dreeling@swale.at or Mrs T Ion tara.ion@swale.at

Examinations Policy

Malpractice Policy

NEA Policy


What happens if I am ill on the day of an exam?

1. Call the Attendance line on 01323 514919 no later than 8.15am, who will alert the exam team. You must state the exact reason why you cannot attend.

2. Call your GP, even if you are unable to go to the surgery.  The exams team will send you JCQ Form 14/Self Certification, which will need to be completed by you, your parent/carer and stamped by the GP practice.  Return this form to Mrs. Dreeling / Mrs. Ion in the Exams office within 7 days. (Example is shown below)

3. The Examinations Officer will apply for Special Consideration on receipt of the Self Certification form.



If you feel there is something wrong or disagree with any of the results that have been awarded you do have the right to appeal. Here is a document to explain in more detail.


Past Exam Certificates

We have certificates going back to 2006. If you have not collected yours, please contact donna.dreeling@swale.at.or tara.ion@swale.at and we can leave them in reception.

If you are a current Year 11 student, certificates will be ready for collection from December after you have left the Academy.




Some exam results are decided away from the exam room. Here are some documents giving some useful advice.

There are strict rules within the exam room regarding all electronic devices. Once you have entered the exam room candidates have to follow strict rules. If these rules are not followed candidates run the risk of being disqualified. 


If you are taking written exams here are some basic rules you have to follow.


Links - Exam Boards and Student Advice