Curriculum Intent
At The Eastbourne Academy, we value English not only as a basis to appreciate other areas of the curriculum - particularly through Literacy - but also in its own right. We have created a programme of study to expose our students to a range of literature and culture; through novels, plays and poetry, as well as biographies, articles and speeches, with the intent that students will be inspired to explore the world and appreciate experiences of other voices, cultures and eras.
We develop both knowledge and skills through reading and writing; building on areas developed through KS2 and leading into KS4 English Language and Literature GCSEs. Students will consolidate their inference and analysis skills as well as develop their creative and rhetorical writing, considering the audience and purpose, all with expert models of rich texts.
Students will develop their oracy through supported and quality discussions, building confidence and understanding to communicate in various forms, particularly with the stimulus of a diverse and engaging curriculum, including:
- Heroes and Villains
- Biography Writing
- World War One Poetry and Play
- Shakespeare Plays
- Gothic Explorations
- Adventure and Dystopian Novels
At Key stage 4 all students study both English Literature and Language at GCSE.
- Exam Board Specification
Subject Board Specification English Language AQA 8700 English Literature AQA 8702