Design Technology

Curriculum Intent & Information

Curriculum Leader: Mr M Fowler

At The Eastbourne Academy, Design and Technology is a subject that is highly valued for its ability to inspire creativity, foster practical skills, and equip students with the knowledge needed to solve real-world problems. Our curriculum intent is to provide students with skills in design, making, evaluation and technical knowledge.


Design and Technology impacts every aspect of modern life so it is integral that our students learn how to solve the problems of today and tomorrow. Therefore our goal is to ensure students learn how to develop and realise their ideas through communication, prototyping and innovation through real world projects. We want our students to gain confidence and independence in the design and technology workshop and be able to become enterprising citizens. 


Students gain experience of design principles by looking at designers, movements and pioneering inventions that have impacted the world. We want our students to be able to conceive and make their own ideas, which will give them the skills to access further creative education and future technical careers.


In years 7, 8, and 9 students have a double lesson once a fortnight. Students are taught communication principles, how to get inspiration and how to bring their ideas to life using a wide variety of hand tools and machines in the workshop. Students study an array of inclusive designers, movements and solve problems that challenge them to think hard. Alongside this, students are able to develop their communication skills using sketching and computer-aided design. This enables our students to manufacture their ideas by hand or using CADCAM equipment such as plotters, laser cutters, and 3D printers. Our pupils embark on open projects that require an iterative approach to utilise design, testing and evaluation to improve their idea. Projects themes cover a broad curriculum with examples like airflow, robotics and eco lighting.


We offer two GCSE courses in Design and Technology

At KS4 students are able to choose between two Design and Technology GCSE courses as part of the options process. 

AQA Art & Design - 3D Design

  • 3D is a skills based course for those who enjoy practical lessons where they design, make and experiment with 3D forms.

  • 60% Portfolio covering lighting design, architectural model and furniture design.

  • 40% Externally set assignment is released in term 3 of year 11 and completed in a 10 hour practical assessment.

  • Students develop GCSE portfolios which in A3 sketchbooks

AQA Design and Technology

  • D&T is a technical option for students pursuing STEM careers like engineering, architecture and product design.

  • 50% NEA portfolio which starts in term 6 of year 10.

  • 50% Exam in which students will learn content on core technical principles, specialist technical principles and designing and making principles.

  • Requires a 4+ GCSE target in English,Maths and Science to access the course.

  • D&T NEA is produced electronically on Chromebooks


Extra-curricular opportunities for KS3/KS4 students who can attend the Design and Technology Club on Tuesdays from 3:05 - 4:00pm.

In the last year we have run a RAF engineering workshop for KS3 students and will be taking year 9 students on an Architecture trip to Brighton this academic year.