Student Leadership Roles

At The Eastbourne Academy, we believe that students should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practice leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school.

Many of our Student Leadership roles focus on student support, improving the quality of learning and teaching in the classroom and supporting the school’s aim to be a place where everyone can Learn, Engage and Respect one another.


Academy Ambassador

The Academy Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for students who are dedicated to promoting and representing The Eastbourne Academy. As an Academy Ambassador, students will be called on to help promote the school to prospective students and families through a variety of activities during the school year.

Academy Head Boy and Head Girl

The Academy Head Boy and Girl exemplify our ethos of Learn, Engage and Respect. They also work closely with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure students' concerns are heard and taken into account.


Oscars lead students in all Performing Arts productions and Competitions. They will also help the Performing Arts Department to promote all extra-curricular opportunities.

Prefects & Senior Prefects

Prefects are students who have been selected to act as role models and uphold the school values for the Academy. Six students are then chosen to be Senior Prefects within their community and have the ability to work productively with others, whilst using their initiative and originality to contribute to the positive ethos of both their community and the Academy.

SEAL Buddies

SEAL buddies are trained to support new students who enter the Academy with English as an additional language.


Student Leaders of Learning support teaching staff to improve the teaching and learning environment, both in and out of the classroom to allow every student to make the best possible progress.

Student Buddies

Student Buddies support students who arrive during the academic year through their first weeks at The Eastbourne Academy. Student Buddies are trained to use their own personal experience of being a new student to support and guide others.

Sports Captains

Sports Captains will lead their Communities in all sporting competitions. They will also help the PE Department to promote all sporting fixtures and extra-curricular opportunities.

Student Interview Panel

The Student Interview Panel meet with applicants as part of the interview process for new staff joining the Academy and are a critical element in the decision to appoint.

Student Council

The Academy Student Council ensure clear communication to the year groups about the issues that matter and ensure the whole school community has a strong student voice.

Transition Buddies

Buddies are students who are trained to support KS3 transition. These students are available daily to support new Year 7 students with any concerns. Being friendly and approachable and ensuring that students know who they can talk to and what support is available is their key role.